Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
The Blessing
Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord Bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.
The Lord will Help You Carry Your Burdens; “I Won’t Complain”
Numbers 11:10-35
This entire passage is loaded. The first thing that stood out to me is that the Lord will hear you in your time of need. Again, we are seeing throughout the word that God will give us direction and tell us His requirements of us, but sometimes our burden can be too heavy - and when we bring those things to God, He will apply His “super” to our natural and meet us where we are so that we can make His glory realized. Moses was truly in over his head trying to lead the people alone, and once he told God of this, The Lord provided help by way of ordaining other leaders in the camp to assist Moses with the burdens and complaints of the people.
The second thing that popped out here is the fact that we shouldn’t complain by rebuking God/rejecting the Lord. The people were desperate for meat even though God providing all they needed by way of manna from heaven. Not going to lie, I giggled a little bit because I was reminded of my youth and nagging my parents for something and them telling me “Ima give you what you’re asking for.” God literally answered the people’s desperation for meat by saying, “I’m going to provide so much meat that it will be coming out of your nostrils.” All of this to say, God gives us what we need - we have to get to a place where God’s enough is enough and be we have to be okay with that.