GraceNotes - My Reflections
Numbers 20:1-13
God is saying to speak not to strike. The Israelites finally made it out of the wilderness and continued to moan, complain and failed to trust the Lord. They bemoaned to Moses that there was no water to drink or other foods for them and their livestock to survive….and Moses was irritated. How many times would it take for them to understand that God would provide. Of course, Moses went to intercede for the people and the Lord gave clear instruction for His glory to be revealed: take the staff, gather the assembly, speak to the rock and it will pour out its water. But out of anger, Moses went to the people, raised his arm and struck the rock and then the water gushed out. This resulted in Moses losing his right to enter the promised land. The word says, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” How many of us are fed up at situations, people, places, things and we are striking them to do what only God can do. Let’s be real, people gone people (coworkers gone cowork, spouses gone spouse, kids gone kid, family gone family) SITUATIONS GONE SITUATION. But we can choose to not lean into our own understanding and listen to the Lord calling us to speak. We have to speak life and the blessings will flow.
Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult.
Proverbs 12:16
One thing I’ve prayed fervently for, is that the Lord would help me to be slow to offense. People could do little and I would want to square up like Peter and cut their ear off. But honestly, how is that showing love, grace, patience, prudence? This verse is a gentle reminder to quell your emotions and think past the moment. The moment doesn’t last always and the quicker we master letting things roll off our shoulders, the better.
Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.
Proverbs 13:24
Let’s be clear. It’s 2024 and the rod looks different. It’s not necessarily the switch from the backyard, the belt, the shoe, the wooden spatula or all of the above. But what the rod is…is loving discipline and guidance. This world is crazy and it’s so important for us parents to guide our children in the path that they should go so that when they grow old they will not depart.