Genesis 1:3 - And God Said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good and He separated the light from the darkness. Skipping to Genesis 1:14, “God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night.”
Was it only me who didn’t realize that God did not create the sun, moon and stars until day four? I was shook and had to read “The Beginning” a few times before realizing that the initial separation was separating God/goodness from Satan/evil.
Genesis 3 - The Fall
Reading through this pulled my edges out because I realized that Lucy (Satan) actually went to Eve to eat from the forbidden tree because she did not hear the commandment from God Himself. I realized that a lot of times we as believers are giving in to “partial obedience” because we may hear the word of God from a messenger instead of directly from Him. Keep in mind that God uses others to speak for Him, too.
Genesis 21:1-2
Is the reason that the waiting season is so difficult because we as believers aren’t trusting God to be God and do it in His timing? The word says here, “and the Lord did for Sarah as He promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son for Abraham in his old age at the time very time He had promised him. This scripture actually screamed at me because I realized that sometimes the season of waiting is truly so hard because we keep trying to make the thing happen sooner than God appoints it to happen. How can we wait on the Lord while we wait?