God Qualifies the Called…Again
Exodus 31:3
I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills.
Here we are again with another man who God called and then qualified. We are just reading through all of God’s instructions on building His tabernacle (very precise, very specific, very lengthy instructions). But as soon as God finished describing what He wanted and how He wanted it done, He told Moses “I have chosen Bezalel and I have filled him with the Spirit of God.” Y’all - we (I’m really talking to myself here) have got to start leaning into the direction that God is giving us. Whatever that looks like, no matter how scary, or big, or far fetch the instructions seem…. He HAS EQUIPPED US FOR THE CALLING. He will provide the means for us to do what He said He wants us to do. He is always a million steps ahead of us, we just have to follow the call.
He wants us in spite of us.
Exodus 32-34
There are times that we all struggle with imposter syndrome. Am I good enough? Why me? Has God forgiven my past and chosen me? Can I complete the task and live up to expectations? The list goes on… but I’m realizing, reading through these stories, that even though we are not worthy… He still wants us. God had literally just told Israel that they should not worship any gods besides Him and as soon as they thought He wasn’t looking (and Moses was away) it was okay for them to make an idol in the shape of a calf and worship it. They had all types of crazy parties, worshiping in probably the most unholy of ways and God saw them. Of course He was angry, but He still chose them at the end of all of this. There is nowhere any of us can go that the Lord will not find us, forgive us and give us His grace. He wants us more than we can even fathom.