Year One.


Hi Friends! I thought I’d share a few of the things that I’ve learned over the first year of motherhood - and also some items that were game-changers for me. I plan to be back with more in depth posts on breastfeeding, traveling with a baby, food ideas for babies/toddlers, diapering tips, transitioning from breastfeeding and my top ten baby must haves (maybe I’ll do one for 0-6mos and another for 6-13mos) and more!

I have learned so so so much in this past year and can’t wait for what is in store. Jonas is now walking (well, really RUNNING), eating EVERYTHING under the sun, saying about twelve different words, loves books, is obsessed with baths, hates when I have to do his hair and to me, is the coolest baby on the planet!

Month One: Sleep When the Baby Sleeps

Everyone and their great-grandma gives this advice, but how many new moms actually do this? I think that every mom looks back at the first few months of their baby’s life and wishes they would’ve just followed this advice - I know I do! I was so obsessed with watching Jonas’s every little move - I wanted to see his little eye twitch and listen to him breathe and missed out on getting some much needed and required rest! It’s super important to use those moments that baby is sleeping to just rest (even if you aren’t sleeping, do something relaxing). The one million and one to-dos will eventually get done but they can’t get done with a sleepy mama. 

Month Two: Always Bring a Change of Clothes

Always pack your little one a change of clothes, or two, or three...or their whole closet. Blowouts are a THING in those early months and the thing is, they’re so unpredictable. I had my fair share of public blowouts so never ever forget, pack that baby some extra clothes, diapers, wipes, everything! Better to be safe than sorry. 

Month Three: Ask for Help

By this time I was a walking zombie with Jonas. I was three months in with nursing and Jonas was still thinking that I could do everything under the sun by myself. It is OKAY to ask for help. I remember just needing Justin, one of our moms, or really ANYBODY to just be there and hold the baby, help me with laundry and the whole nine yards. 

Month Four: Magic Bullet - Baby Bullet

This is something that wasn’t initially on my radar to get for Jonas, but also something that I stand by! Once it was time to start Jonas on solids, I was apprehensive to purchase him store-bought purées and felt a lot better with preparing his first foods on my own. It was so much easier to portion his servings out with the baby bullet. I made him avocados, bananas, pineapple, green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, asparagus, zucchini, apples - literally everything. (always consult with your doctor about proper diets for your baby and for advice on when to start them on solids)

Month Five: Willow Pump

I tried pumping in the first three months of Jonas’s life, but found it so much easier to just nurse on-demand. I was lucky enough to be an at-home mom and could literally just feed him whenever he was hungry. However, I got to a place where I needed help, and without pumped milk, help couldn’t be given. I didn’t really like being tied to a chair with all the chords of your traditional breast-pump and decided to purchase the Willow Pump which literally became my best friend! You can pump whenever/wherever and it has been a dream for me!

Month Six: Bumbos/Pack n Plays

Jonas was on the M O V E at this point. I needed to put him somewhere, y’all! Someone recommended a Bumbo seat which is very similar to a booster seat. We actually still use it now whenever I am styling his hair because it’s so comfortable for him. I also purchased a pack n play for him around this time to give him a “safe” place to explore crawling.

Month Seven: Traveling with a Baby

Jonas took his first flight! This was such a nervous time for me, but with the help of my Instagram Mommy Community, I got some GREAT tips on traveling with a baby. The main one was making sure baby is sucking a bottle or being nursed at takeoff and landing to help ease any discomfort. Jonas slept the entire flight like a pro. 

Month Eight: Baby Proofing

Jonas thought he could get into any and everything this month. But eh uh, no, no, no - mama Joy had something for him. Baby proofing came into full form this month. We used the traditional tools like outlet covers, crib bumpers, nailing furniture to walls, etc. 

Month Nine: Jonas Has His Own Room

Because I was nursing, Jonas slept in the room with Justin and I. Initially, this was fine because he wasn’t really a fuss or wild sleeper, but by the time he was nine months, it was time for buddy to get in that good old crib he has. I had tried and failed at so many methods of sleep training over the months, but was determined to have my bed back because my neck, my back (ouch). I found that the traditional sleep routine: dinner, bath, book, bottle/nurse, worked best. The first few nights were definitely tough, but let’s just say ... Jonas has his own room and it will stay that way from here on out. 

Month Ten: High Chairs Help

I am super dooper picky. I had my mind set on a vintage-wooden high chair that went just right with my home decor aesthetic, so I was refusing to purchase a high chair. Jonas was primarily using his Bumbo or my lap and the MESSES were terrible. My mom brought a high chair to my house for Jonas and listen, I use it for everything! It’s so easy to just pop baby in the high chair and get to work when you’re doing work in the kitchen!

Month Eleven: Weaning

This was the hardest thing I learned over this year! It was so tough for me to wean Jonas from nursing and there have been times in the past few days/weeks that I will still nurse Jonas due to convenience. But, the time came when I needed to break things up. It was super difficult for us to stop nursing BECAUSE I couldn’t convince Jonas to drink from a bottle, sippy cup or straw! I actually had to start sending Jonas to my mom’s house a few times a month for him to stay the night. When I did this, it forced his hand and he had no choice but to take a bottle in order to get milk. We are both better for this transition and he is about 98% off of the boob. 

Month Twelve: We Made It!

Just have fun! Being a parent is a change but it’s the most rewarding experience I’ve had to date! Jonas is literally so much fun to watch grow. He does new, exciting things each and every day and I’m enjoying the ride. It is so easy to get caught up in thinking that you’re not getting it all right as a parent, but none of that even matters! If your baby is happy and healthy and so are you, you’ve got this! 


Easter Basket 2020


hello, hello, hey, hello, hello.