You Are Enough

Three little words that have so much power. It’s hard to muster up the courage to take on the world, but it’s possible. We live in a world that thrives off the failures and struggles of others – which in essence is so annoying – but it’s also so important that you truly take the time to believe in yourself. You were tailor made with a purpose attached to your life – what is it that you live for? What is it that magnetizes itself to you, that makes you feel an exuberance in your soul?

I remember being nineteen and having someone look me in my brown eyes and tell me that I was enough, and feeling strength overtake my spirit. Of course, at nineteen, I believed that I had talent, I believed that I had the ability to love and to be loved, I believed that I was smart and I believed that I was wise, but I didn’t truly have faith in myself and in my purpose. I would hear people complimenting my successes, but I didn’t have access to my core that knew that without a shadow of a doubt that even if I didn’t succeed, that in some way, I wasn’t truly failing.

We as humans feel pain on a much more extreme level than we do any other emotion – maybe it’s just me, but I think this to be true. It’s almost as if any failure that you experience equals seventeen successes. We can miss out on ONE opportunity, and it will feel as though our entire existence has shattered – and this makes us feel insufficient, inadequate, and simply not enough.

1. Believe in yourself.

If you don’t see that your entire package is not spectacular, no one else will. People prey on insecurities and they will eat you alive as long as you have trouble seeing how amazing you are. Each day when you roll out of the bed, tell yourself, “Hi Me! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! There is not one thing that will happen to you that will keep you from your destiny. I believe in ME!”

2. Failure is not the end.

You will fall, but you will get back up. You will trip, but you will keep walking. You will twist your ankle, but you will jog it off. Each moment that you find to be a failure, thank your God and realize that, this is not a failure but a divine intervention. What if that one missed opportunity brought you the best thing that has ever happened to your life… Think these types of thoughts.

3. Always remember – You. Are. ENOUGH!

As long as you keep these three words etched into your heart, your mind and your soul, there is nothing that you cannot accomplish. Hold your head to the finish line and see it through.


The Circle of Life